


Schema Location  (View Schema)
Schema Version1.1.0
Minimum Mule Version3.2

Module Overview

Maximo Anypoint Cloud Connector - Connect to Maximo MIF exposed web services


Configure an instance of this module
Message Processors
Query operation on a Maximo web service
Update operation on a Maximo web service (Create, Insert, Delete, Update, Sync)


To use the this module within a flow the namespace to the module must be included. The resulting flow will look similar to the following:

<mule xmlns=""

      <!-- here goes your flows and configuration elements -->


Message Processors


Query operation on a Maximo web service

XML Sample
<maximo:query webServiceName="MXINVOICE" rsStart="0" maximumItems="100" uniqueResult="false" orderBy="INVOICENUM" operandMode="AND" query="INVOICENUM='100'"  config-ref="maximoconnection"/>

NameDefault ValueDescriptionJava TypeMIME TypeEncoding
config-ref Optional. Specify which configuration to use.
webServiceName Name of web service as configured in Maximo String */* UTF-8
objectStructureName Optional. Name of underlying object structure as configured in Maximo (Defaulted to webServiceName) String */* UTF-8
query Optional. An SQL WHERE clause based on the root object exposed in the Maximo service (use instead of queryConditions) String */* UTF-8
queryConditions Optional. List of Maximo query conditions on root object (instead of query clause) MaximoQueryEntry */*
operandMode AND Defines whether Maximo query is run in AND or OR operand mode MaximoConnector.OperandMode */*
orderBy Optional. Field name of Maximo root object field to order results by String */* UTF-8
uniqueResult false Set to true when Maximo should filter duplicate results boolean */*
rsStart 0 The row number to start returning results from Integer */*
maximumItems Optional. The maximum number of items to be returned Integer */*
creationDateTime Optional. Timestamp of request (yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS) String */* UTF-8
baseLanguage Optional. Optional base language field String */* UTF-8
transLanguage Optional. Optional transfer language field String */* UTF-8
messageId Optional. Optional field used to keep track of requests and responses String */* UTF-8
maximoVersion Optional. Optional concatenated string that identifies the major version, minor version, build and dbbuild String */* UTF-8
Return Type Description
String XML containing Maximo returned results
Exception Payloads
Payload ClassDescription
Exception Maximo exception during execution


Update operation on a Maximo web service (Create, Insert, Delete, Update, Sync)

XML Sample
<maximo:update webServiceName="MXGLCOMP" action="Sync" config-ref="maximoconnection">
    	<maximo:udpate-entry action="Add" objectName="GLCOMPONENTS">
    		<maximo:condition-fields ref="#[payload]"/>
    		<maximo:fields ref="#[flowVars.changefields2]"/>
    	<maximo:udpate-entry action="AddChange" objectName="GLCOMPONENTS">
    		<maximo:condition-fields ref="#[payload]"/>
    		<maximo:fields ref="#[flowVars.changefields]"/>

NameDefault ValueDescriptionJava TypeMIME TypeEncoding
config-ref Optional. Specify which configuration to use.
webServiceName Name of web service as configured in Maximo String */* UTF-8
objectStructureName Optional. Name of underlying object structure as configured in Maximo (Defaulted to webServiceName) String */* UTF-8
action CheckEntries Type of global action to perform (select Sync if action is specified at entry level) MaximoConnector.Action */*
creationDateTime Optional. Timestamp of request (yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS) String */* UTF-8
baseLanguage Optional. Optional base language field String */* UTF-8
transLanguage Optional. Optional transfer language field String */* UTF-8
messageId Optional. Optional field used to keep track of requests and responses String */* UTF-8
maximoVersion Optional. Optional concatenated string that identifies the major version, minor version, build and dbbuild String */* UTF-8
Child Elements
NameDefault ValueDescriptionJava Type
<maximo:udpate-entries> #[payload] List of object entries (or entry conditions) to update List<MaximoUpdateEntry>
Return Type Description
String XML containing Maximo returned results
Exception Payloads
Payload ClassDescription
Exception Maximo exception thrown during execution

Message Sources
